Is In-Housing a Threat?

Is In-Housing a Threat?

According to some industry forecasters, the recent increase in big brands bringing their creative, marketing, and advertising functions in-house signals the coming demise—or, at the very least, irrelevance—of outside agencies and creative service providers.

We beg to differ. As does Matt Fiskness, COO of Adswerve and a leading media expert. (Full disclosure: we use Adswerve for serving digital ads for our clients.)

In a recent article on, Fiskness outlines some of the obvious reasons for this shift to in-housing. Then he delivers a reality check, describing the potential impact on the business, the bottom line, and the ability to retain a competitive edge in the hyper-dynamic marketing world.

But it’s his final argument we found particularly compelling. Fiskness believes the creative agencies that are in it for the long haul, remain true to who they are, and continue to hone their specialties will prevail.

That’s exactly our mantra at Street Level Studio—to be meaningfully different, authentic, responsive, inspiring, and relevant to our clients—always.

Here’s proof from one of our clients:

“You guys never say no. I know that when I reach out, you will always be able to deliver. And you do so with the best intention of our brand in mind. I also value the creative ideas you bring to the table, things that may or may not be on our mind.

Continue on! Continue bringing us new ideas that keep us modern and on the leading edge of advertising.”

When you read what Fiskness has to say in “Why in-housing won’t threaten independent creative agencies,” you’ll understand why at Street Level Studio we don’t see risk, just opportunities to keep doing what we do best.