“A well-designed user interface could raise your website’s conversion rate by up to 200 percent.” Forrester Research

These are some of the questions we’ll ask as an experienced B2C and B2B marketing agency to make sure you’re competing in the digital landscape.

  • How fast do the pages load on your site?

  • Is your site SEO optimized so you can be easily found on a Google search?

  • What about session duration? How much time do visitors spend on your site?

  • Is your contact information readily available?

  • Does your site meet accessibility requirements?


A website can only be outstanding if it meets these benchmarks:

Yellow bullseye graphic indicating on target strategy and brandingStrategy & Branding

From the moment a person lands on your page, they need to know who you are and what you do.

Yellow smartphone graphic indicating mobile first web designMobile First

Your website is designed first for the small screen then built out for top performance on all platforms.

Yellow magnifying glass graphic indicating precise search engine optimizationSearch Engine Optimized

Content is optimized to increase organic traffic, improve Google page position, and make your company easy to find.

Yellow shield graphic indicating security and privacySecurity

You’ve installed safety and privacy features so visitors feel confident interacting with your site.

Yellow speed odometer graphic indicating high load speed of websiteSpeed

Your site loads in a snap and allows visitors to navigate quickly to the information they need.

Yellow stick figure graphic indicating accessibility and ADA complianceAccessibility

You make ADA compliance a priority. It’s not just the law; it’s a sign of respect.

FitRight Fresh Start website on a mac desktop and laptop on a desk chicago web design
SLYCE website on a smartphone chicago web design
Desktop monitor displays the website we developed to show Windy Installs's expertise and services.


How we help you create an online presence that really clicks—and converts:

Yellow brochure graphic indicating starting strategy steps for website development

1. Strategy Phase

We start with the basics. Who does your business target? What does that target audience want? How do we make it easy for them to buy?

Examples of deliverables:
Audit and report card on your website, user personas.

Yellow website graphic indicating UI UX site map and wireframes

2. UI / UX Phase

Next, we figure out how to get your target customer from point A to point B. This step falls under the User Experience (UX) umbrella.

Examples of deliverables:
We provide you with items such as a site map and low-fidelity wireframes.

Yellow pen tip graphic indicating design phase of website development

3. Design Phase

Now the fun part, we’ll add all your beautiful brand elements to our basic outline. You’ll see your site start to take shape in a high-fidelity interactive mock-up experience.

Examples of deliverables:
An interactive mockup of the full website with images, text, and branding included.

Yellow arrow brackets graphic indicating coding and building website

4. Coding and Building Phase

Once we’ve got the look and feel established, we build using strong back-end website development, clean code, and best practices with content management systems and UI frameworks. This is the stage when the site doesn’t just look alive, it comes to life.

Examples of deliverables:
A full development site you can interact with and refine before launch.

Yellow rocket ship graphic indicating testing and launching of your website

5. Test & Launch!

Finally, we test the site to make sure everything works exactly as it should, and then we launch! Your site is live and ready to generate revenue.

Examples of deliverables:
A live site!

It takes about 50 milliseconds

for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they like your site or not, whether they’ll stay or leave.


AND THEN . . .

The best websites are dynamic. They change and grow just like your business.

Whether through different strategies or different content, we’re the. Chicago website design experts who can keep you current, competitive, and constantly reaching more potential customers.

One of our award winning videos for Canon Solutions America showing off our creative and effective work
Award-winning videos provide a dynamic way to experience the performance of Canon’s industry-leading printing presses.
Two screenshots of Facebook video ads for Gilberto Ortho paid ad social media campaign digital marketing agency chicago
Gilbert Ortho Goes Social
What’s better than a social post? A video social post. We helped local client Gilbert Ortho get the word out with a targeted paid ad campaign.
Instagram analytics indicating our dedication to analytical thought and creative ideas
Our pros crunch the numbers
We analyze the performance of your site and suggest strategies and updates to improve traffic and engagement.